Friday, April 9, 2010

Final Assessment: Physical & Chemical Changes

We discussed the Data Chart: physical & chemical changes within the environment.

I made a chart on the whiteboard. The students identified quite a list!

Today students will match vocabulary words and their definitions in pairs,

then independently answer comprehension questions.

I enjoyed teaching these lessons. The students enjoyed the activities

and are noticing more changes in the environment everyday.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Observing Physical and Chemical Changes in the Environment

Students will make observations within the environment. Students will label changes they observe within the environment as being
a physical or chemical change. Students
will visit the lunch room and the
surrounding grounds outside the school.
The last three cells will be completed
for homework.
Data Chart
Students worked in pairs and enjoyed
looking for changes in the environment.
They were surprised with all the changes
they identified.

Changes in Matter

To activate knowledge a pre-test was administered to students to assess their comprehension of physical and chemical changes. After a discussion
of students' answers a video was presented. A video quiz was presented following the video.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Introduction to Chemical Changes

During this lesson students were organized into groups. Each group had a
worksheet labeled physical and chemical changes. Each group had several
items which they were to examine for physical properties.
Students were instructed to put on safety glasses & rubber gloves.
Two students from each gathered trays of objects to examine.
Each tray included: a dirty penny, a small container with lemon juice,
a cup with a small amount of salt, a small plant, a rusty object,
and a dropper filled with vinegar & a cup with a tablespoon of baking soda.
Each group made a list of the physical characteristics of the objects.
Then the students were instructed to mix the baking soda and vinegar,
and take notes on the changes. Then they were asked to
drop the dirty penny in the container of lemon juice and salt,
and shake for several minutes, then remove the penny from
the container and note any changes. Students discussed the
differences in the changes that took place with the vinegar & baking soda,
and the change in the penny. I indicated that these were chemical changes
because a new substance was formed. We discussed the changes
that take place during photosynthesis as well as the
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as we breathe.
We also discussed the changes that occur when an object rusts.
Students labeled the chemical changes
and then made a flow chart for each chemical change.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Forms of Matter

Today we discussed three forms of matter. In groups students made a chart, brainstormed and named examples of the different forms of matter. Then we mixed up several juices and made juice pops. We also blew up balloons and discussed the various types of gases used to do this. The students enjoyed working with three forms of matter.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Introduction to Physical Changes

Today I introduced changes in matter to my fourth grade science class.
The objective is to make students aware of the physical changes that they
are a part of everyday. Students participated by causing physical changes with things
around them. Students were working in groups during this activity. The following materials
were given to four groups: paper & scissors, paper & crayons, play-doh, and food coloring & water. Each group was asked to make a physical change with these objects. Each student in the groups used their imagination to make different changes in their objects. Students cut paper into snowflakes & paper dolls, other students made unique designs with crayons, students made a family of ducks from the play-doh, and the last group mixed colors to form various shades of colored water. They not only enjoyed the activity by observing each others physical changes, but began listing lots of other examples of physical changes. A lesson enjoyed by all!